Where I Am.

Take Your Camera to Work Day.

White Head Island.

White Head Island.

The other day I decided I was going to take my camera to work. Normally I don't work in conditions that are conducive to having my camera on me, but this day I knew I was starting with an early morning sail to White Head...so no brainer to bring it! I get to do some interesting things at work, and see just as many interesting things, sometimes I'll see something and get frustrated that I didn't have my camera with me! Am I sure glad I brought it this day.

Knight Moves.

Knight Moves.

Fishing boats are an everyday sight around these parts. So much so that at times they almost go unnoticed. But this morning I was reminded that these little, and some not so little, boats are more then just something used for fishing. They're a way of life, a part of the captains and crews that run them, a family member, a source of pride. This morning was the type of morning that amplified the beauty of everything you would look at, including things you see day in and day out.

A day like this was a breath of much needed fresh air. Winter has always been a down time for me, but now that spring is clearly here, the island is coming out of hibernation. Things are getting green, businesses are preparing for the summer rush, and my camera has never been happier to see the sun. If you follow me here, or on Facebook or Instagram, prepare to be over taken by photos of this beautiful little island. It's prime time and I can't wait.

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